četrtek, 1. marec 2012


       tanka poems by Dimitar Anakiev

a pigeon
in South Ferry terminal
seeks food
each 6th American hungry
in this too rich country

comfortably undressed, I eat
a oatmeal raisin cookie
on my 51st birthday:
two bible sellers wish me
welcome to the United States

a storm on the sea
in the bay of Manhattan:
a seagull
flies above the waves
against the wind

on the Staten Island Railway
one car's door opens just for me
to see gusts of rain
traveling from Eltingville
toward the bay of St. George

in the company
of an old umbrella
belonging to my cousin
I watch the rain slope
into an empty station

at Brookfield Avenue
the wind whips up a storm:
in a sea of petals
I pass along
with a storm in my soul

silence in the church
Transfiguration of Jesus
I sit in an angle
enjoying the mystic
until the parsons came

white waterfall
before Chase bank
and red tulips
by Rockefeller Center
wait for Hiro Sato

about my American situation
jumping over the fence
from both sides
             (first published: Red Lights, Vol.8, No.1, 2012, Allentown, PA)

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